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Today, let’s talk a little about the importance of learning how to bounce back from adversity. Lately, a large part of this planet has been hit by major challenges – physical, mental and emotional – and it’s time to focus the amazing power of the human mind on resiliency.

Whether it be loss of your job, uncertainty about the economy, illness, the pandemic, or a natural disaster, all of which can cause you to lose almost everything in one fell swoop, it can really knock you off your feet for a while. And when adversity does strike, how fast you get up again depends on a number of things, such as:

• how good your support network is;
• how solid your self-esteem is;
• the extent to which you believe that you can control your own destiny; and
• your experiences of overcoming adversity in the past.

If you want to shorten the time it takes to get back on your feet, try this: Ask yourself how it will look when you no longer have your current problems. Spend time visualizing yourself in that future picture and imagining how you’ll feel, how your world will look – what it will sound, taste and smell like.

Do it over and over, day after day, week after week. Make a list of your strengths and past accomplishments and add to that list on a daily basis. At the same time, set and prioritize some immediate, short-term goals to improve your situation. Write a detailed plan of action for the top three, including day and time. Give yourself things to accomplish, which builds confidence in your ability to take action and succeed.

Once you have accomplished a few short-term goals, you may feel ready to do some long-term vision and goal-setting. Finally – and this is important – no matter how much you’ve lost, take time to help someone else who is struggling. A giving heart heals the fastest, and even the worst adversity can be used to learn and grow.

By changing the way you look at adversity, adversity becomes an opportunity to make positive change.

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