​How often do you bring on a new employee, only to have them resign a month later? Do you invest your time interviewing a range of candidates, conducting new hire orientations, and then the new team member doesn’t perform up to standard? Do you have current employees showing the newest company hire “the way things are really done around here”?

Have you ever stopped to evaluate why?

Many businesses spend time, effort and energy searching for perfect employees to fit their organization. Then, they fall short bridging the gap between Orientation/Training and smoothly integrating the employee into the team through the procedures and standards they need to be successful.

By creating an efficient, CONSISTENT on-boarding process, you build confidence in new hires, eliminate confusion in your organization’s methods and preserve your company’s culture by maintaining a clear set of practices.

A successful on-boarding process includes several areas that help you build loyalty and maintain a confident staff that is less likely to leave you:

On-Boarding – Step 1

Establish a “Go-To Leader or Supervisor”

  • It is inevitable that a new employee will have questions regarding their employment
  • Do they know who in management they should go to?
  • Is that person easily accessible? Are they approachable?
  • An employee needs to feel confident that their concerns will be calmed and addressed quickly – if not, chances are, they will leave the organization.

 On-Boarding – Step 2Establish a “Go-To Peer” or training partner

  • This should be someone in their same position that knows the ins and outs of the role
  • The new hire can readily access this person in regards to questions about daily tasks
  • This person should be someone who has been trained thoroughly and is accurate with the company procedure. 
  • If a new employee feels bonded to a peer, they will be more comfortable and demonstrate persistence in their position.

 On-Boarding – Step 3Create a standardized procedure book for each department

  • It’s called institutional memory! Even your most senior employees can benefit from having a set procedure outlined for different areas of their job.
  • Cuts down on confusion, frustration and fear of not knowing the information.
  • Prevents fewer challenges in the future.
  • Ensures everyone is doing the same thing, and not inventing ways that “they prefer.”
  • Needs to be easily accessible.
  • Needs to be continuously reviewed and updated by leadership.
  • Think large chains – Fast food restaurants, Coffee companies: They have very SPECIFIC methods to ensure consistency.
  • A Standardized Procedure Book:
    1. Should be clear and concise
    2. Easy to reference
    3. Broken down into easy to find categories
  • There is security, especially for a new employee, knowing that they are following a recipe for success.

 On-Boarding – Step 4Implement a daily “To Do” list

  • Creates security/ eliminates fear in the employee’s position.
  • Ensures that tasks necessary to perform their job are done EVERY day.
  • If possible, try and include time frames when things are meant to be done.

 On-Boarding – Step 5Create a “Where to Find” Sheet

  • This may seem unnecessary for those of us who have roamed the halls of our business for years, but to a new employee, even locating the restroom may be a source of uneasiness.
  • List the location of items per department that are necessary to perform the employee’s job:
    1. Deposit slips
    2. Classroom supplies
    3. Cashier Bags
    4. Paper
    5. Fax Machine/ Scanner/ Copier
  • New employees want to feel comfortable in their surroundings, and walking around aimlessly looking for items to complete their duties can be a source of frustration.

Note: Training – This may be a separate step in your organization, in which case it typically happens prior to the on-boarding process. Many companies will train as part of the onboarding process, therefore making it even more important to follow the steps outlined above.Invest in your new employees with a thorough on boarding process – long term.  It will save you time and build trust, loyalty and confidence in your staff.

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