When you decide your beliefs aren’t working very well for you, how do you go about changing them?

We’ve talked about how you might read about successful people you admire and study their beliefs. Then, if you choose to, you may decide to make some of their beliefs your own.

How do you do this? Well, one way is to use your very powerful imagination. Ask yourself, “What would it look like if I believed I was confident, competent, and comfortable?” “What would it look like if I were warm, loving and joyful?” “How would I behave?” “How would I feel?” “How would I treat others?”

Close your eyes and picture your answer as vividly as possible. Feel the feelings, hear the sounds, and see it in living color. Take a little bit of time, and really get into how it would look and feel.

Affirm it in words as if it were true right now: “I am confident, competent, and comfortable!” “I am warm, loving and joyful!”

Repeat the process at least twice a day, every day, with full concentration on the pictures you have created. You see, your subconscious doesn’t know the difference between actual events and those you vividly imagine. If you eliminate negative self-talk at the same time, you will soon begin to behave like the new picture. Over time, it will become more like you than the old ways.

Test it out on something small, just to prove to yourself that it works. And once you have proven it to yourself, take on something bigger, something closer to your heart – who you want to be.

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