Do you have dreams? No, we’re not talking about the ones that happen while you’re asleep. We’re talking about the dreams that inspire your life! How are these dreams doing? The ones you had as a kid or as a young adult, the ones you have now – dreams that inspire you and give a sense of passion and purpose to your life.

The late humorist and columnist Erma Bombeck once said, “There are people who put their dreams in a little box and say ‘Yes, I’ve got dreams – of course I do!’ Then they put the box away, bring it out once in a while to look inside and, yep, they’re still in there. These are great dreams, but they never get out of the box.” Open the lid and grab a hold of those dreams.

Dreams have an important place in our every-day lives, for they spark the mind and lift the soul. Jenny Craig, founder of the highly successful national weight-loss clinics said, “It’s not what you do once in a while – it’s what you do day in and day out that makes the difference.” And it’s the passion for the dream that prods you toward it, day by day.

Take that dream out of the box, put it into the middle of your heart and the center of your mind, and build your daily life around it. Don’t let a day go by without making some progress toward realizing that dream. You affirm it, visualize it, research it, set goals toward it, and share it with those who can help you. In short, you live and breathe that dream.

And one day – probably sooner than you think – you’ll be able to retire it and get a new one, because you will have made this dream come true. Have a party – celebrate! It is good news when a dream comes true, because it leaves more room for future dreams, waiting to be realized.

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