When you find yourself having to navigate your way through a crisis, what can you do to come out on the other side stronger for the experience?

Every crisis involves risk. Yes, it may be fraught with danger, but it is also an opportunity for tremendous learning and growth. Crisis is a time of testing, but it is also a time of renewal.

Many people, when faced with crisis, tell themselves that they have failed and convince themselves that there is no point in trying any longer. For example, if a young woman tries to become a professional writer and fails, it does not mean she is a failure as a person or that her life is a failure. It simply means that, at this particular time in her life, her attempts at writing for a living are not working out.

There are many other possible choices she can make, including trying again at some point in the future. She has not failed, and she does not have to give up her dream. But she does need to learn from the attempt and, perhaps, rethink her strategy. Is there another way she can go about it? Does she need more education? More experience or exposure? Help promoting her work?

Failure is only failure if you let it cause you to quit. If you choose to let it help you, it is merely information you can learn from. Every situation is a learning experience, if you look at it from this perspective – again, it is your attitude toward the experience. You see, it is in meeting crisis with determination that we measure up to life and its challenges, whether it is as individuals or organizations. When we face crises head-on, we develop tenacity and tremendous inner strength.

And along the way, we set ourselves up to meet the next challenge with optimism, persistence, and resiliency.