What do you believe is possible for you in your life – in your job, with your family and friends, financially, intellectually, emotionally? This is a very important question, so think about your answer for a moment.

These days more and more doctors, psychologists, researchers and many others are beginning to realize that what we achieve and become in life has as much, or more, to do with our beliefs as anything else. Sure, there are some limits. As far as we know, we can’t time-travel or live forever, and we can’t change things like how tall we are or who we have for parents. But beyond a few unchangeable things, there really are unlimited possibilities, and what you believe to be possible is a major factor in determining what you do and who you become.

A favorite Tom Peters story is of a Manhattan cab driver who gave all his passengers a mission statement – his written pledge to get them where they wanted to go safely and courteously. He also gave them a selection of newspapers, a snack basket, and consulted with them about the kind of music they wanted to hear on the radio. This guy made 12 to 14 thousand extra dollars a year in tips because he saw possibilities for himself as a cabbie that others couldn’t imagine.

What possibilities are you blocking out because of what you’ve learned or done in the past, or because of what others have told you is “the truth?” What could you be and do, if you allowed yourself to really stretch and grow without excuses or self-imposed limitations?

With the weekend coming up, take some time to let your mind wander, free and unencumbered. Ask yourself the questions, and make a list of your answers: What could you be? What could you do? No limits. No restrictions. Keep it legal, ethical, and in line with your values; but let your imagination run for a while and see what you come up with. You just might find a new focus and passion for yourself.

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