Most of us extend small kindnesses to others. But how many of us practice the same loving gestures when it comes to ourselves? Let’s talk about our gifts to ourselves.

How good a friend are you to yourself? Most of us are very good at celebrating our friendships with little gestures and gifts that say we care. But what do you give yourself that could qualify as a gift? A little self-indulgence is a healthy thing, which could mean buying yourself that new book (or eBook), treating yourself to dinner out or hiring someone to wash and wax your car.

Now, if self-indulgence has been your life story, this probably doesn’t apply to you. And if, by giving yourself a gift, you will be irresponsibly depriving others, you probably don’t qualify, either. But most of us can give gifts to ourselves that don’t cost a cent.

For example: A little mid-day nap. Allowing yourself time to linger over a cup of coffee. Taking a quiet stroll after dinner, enjoying the evening air. Cutting a garden bouquet for your own enjoyment. Curling up on the couch for an hour or two with a great book. Taking the night off from your “to do” list, in order to relax in the silence.

Gifts like these are ways of being friendly to you. Of course, because we live in society and most of us find that we gain happiness from contribution, it’s crucial that we give to others too. But if you give only to others, your unattended need to receive as well may become a demanding burden to your friendships. It truly is a gift you give to allow someone else to give to you.

So, if you really want to nurture yourself, take a moment from time to time and ask, “How friendly have I been to me today?”