Does it seem to you that it is easier to build someone else’s self-esteem, than it is to positively affect your own? Today, let’s talk about some pointers for your own DIY self-esteem construction project. Grab a “hammer and nails” and let’s get started.

The most commonly accepted definition of self-esteem is our own estimation of our value or worth as human beings – and there is probably nothing more important when it comes to living a healthy, happy, productive life. However, if you are aware that your self-esteem isn’t what it could be, as a result of poor parenting or other early-life difficulties, what can you do about it?

Quite a bit, actually. You can work on your own awareness – your ability to think and live consciously – rather than going through life on autopilot. You can accept yourself exactly as you are right now, even if there are things you would like to change. And stop calling yourself names. Stop running yourself down. It’s not helping!

You can say what you mean, and mean what you say. Try at all times to be exactly who you really are, rather than acting out someone else’s idea of who you should be and how you should behave. Living with a sense of purpose does wonders for your self-esteem too, as does living with integrity, which simply means that your behavior is in line with your values and beliefs.

You can work on trusting yourself, on telling the truth, and on treating others with kindness, even when that is not easy. And, in word and deed, you can affirm the fact that you are a valuable and worthy person. If all this sounds like work, you are correct. It is! But there is no other work you will ever do, that will bring greater rewards, so keep at it!

One more piece to this: with your own elevated sense of self-esteem, you are able to lift the self-esteem of others around you. Because you are, others will be too. You become a model, a mentor, a trusted individual. Yes, there is accountability to that – but you are able to handle it, and so worth it!